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all 4 dental implant work

All on 4 Dental Implants in Jupiter Farms, FL

Since the conception of ‘All on 4’ dental implants, they have been used to treat thousands of patients around the world. This dental procedure has revolutionized the fields of oral rehabilitation and dental implantology. It makes it possible to create new teeth within a day. At Dentists of Jupiter Farms we are proud to be able to offer these dental implants services to the people of Jupiter Farms.

What are “All on 4” Dental Implants?

All on 4 is a surgical procedure placing four teeth implants per jaw and attaching a customized, non-removable prosthetic dental bridge for oral rehabilitation. In contrast to traditional surgical protocols, it only requires four teeth implants, which means that it can be achieved with a single surgery.

 What Are The Advantages To All on 4 Dental Implants?

This procedure enables you to have a brand new set of teeth that not only serve as natural healthy teeth, but also look and feel natural. Additionally, unlike false teeth, All on 4 dental implants are affixed permanently in your jaw bone, so you don’t have to worry about them falling out or shifting around. You don’t have to remove them after meals or at nighttime.

Other Advantages:

  • You can eat and speak with no difficulty. The implants provide support and strength to your jaw, unlike the problems false teeth sometimes cause with eating and speaking.
  • Your gums are fully supported, free from inflammation, irritation, and sensitivity. And the absence of needing anesthetic gels saves you money.
  • These implants work like your natural teeth, you simply care for them as you would your own teeth.  Regular flossing and brushing is all that is required. They look natural in appearance. As we’ve previously mentioned, nobody can tell you’re wearing them. There are no flanges, whichare what make false teeth look bulky.

Are All on 4 Dental Implants The Same As False Teeth?

While these aren’t your natural teeth, the look and feel would tell you otherwise. Plus, maintenance only requires regular flossing and brushing. Unlike false teeth, these implants are permanently attached.. You won’t have to deal with untidy adhesives. And you can go back to the food you’ve been missing out on before you got your implants.

Dentures can be unhygienic unless you keep them meticulously clean. They harbor food and bacteria, which can result in chronic bad breath and an unpleasant taste in your mouth. Additionally, All on 4 teeth implants provide all the support you need for the prosthetic dental bridge, which means no unnatural pressure on the soft tissue in your mouth.

How Are All on 4 Implants Different From Conventional Dental Prosthesis?

Conventional dental implants  take a longer time to heal. Since bone grafting is a necessary part of that procedure. You need almost a year for recovery.  All on 4 implants, on the other hand, are completed in far less time.

Conventional implants have the need for at least five implants in every arch. Whereas, All on 4 implants are affixed at an angle, maximizing its use of bone support naturally.  You can get your confident smile back in as little as a single day.

And without the need for up to 20 dental implants, several surgeries, and bone grafting, you can look at incredible savings; up to tens of thousands of dollars. All on 4 dental implants provide incredible teeth replacement solutions at costs that make oral rehabilitation accessible to all.

What Can You Expect?

Here are Dentists of Jupiter Farm, it’s always a case-by-case basis with our patients. We need to understand your particular dental goals, so an initial consultation is a must. Your first visit may include x-rays and impressions. However, once all of these have been completed, the procedure itself only takes a single visit.

After the operation, you will need to visit our dental clinic in Jupiter Farms a few times to ensure that you are healing well. After a few months, your new teeth will be secured. Your implants will become fully stable, and your gums will have healed.

Who Can Receive The All on 4 treatment?

If you are wearing false teeth at the moment, you qualify Or if you will need dentures in the near future you are also qualify. As long as you don’t have a problem with severe bone degeneration.

(772) 286 – 8600

Contact Us For More Information

Dentists of Jupiter Farms would be happy to answer any questions you may have about All on 4 dental implants. If you are looking for a top quality dentist that handles All on 4 dental implants near you, or if want to discuss the process, don’t hesitate to contact  our clinic.

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