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What to Expect After Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning of the teeth is needed if you do not regularly brush and floss. Although, occasionally a deep cleaning is needed even if you have been doing well in the upkeep of your oral health. Our staff of dentists in Jupiter Farms offer this service. If you take good care of your teeth, why would you need one? Here are the reasons.

Why You Might Need a Deep Cleaning

Gum Disease

Also known as periodontitis, gum disease can post a serious threat to your overall oral health. It is a progressive condition that affects your gums and bones through bacterial infection. Several studies have proven that more than 30% of our population may get gum disease genetically, however, there are other issues that cause it.

There are other issues that can and can’t be prevented. The latter involves changes in your hormones when you are undergoing adolescence, and for women, when they are pregnant or experiencing menopause. Cigarette smoking, however, is a trigger that can be prevented. When you smoke cigarettes, tartar and plaque form in your teeth. Gum disease is often caused by tartar.

When you continue smoking, plaque continues to form as well. If it’s present on your teeth for a long time, it will become tartar and aggravate your gums. Plaque is easier to remove than tartar, and the latter releases bacterial toxins that deteriorate near gum tissues. Your teeth and gums begin separating from each other, creating gum pockets in the process. If tartar and plaque are left untreated, you will expose your mouth to gum infection and ruin.

Tooth Loss

Gum disease can bring about tooth loss and take a toll on your overall health. Some heart problems are also linked to it. Unfortunately, a number of early gum disease cases can be unnoticeable. If you believe you may have problems with your gums, check your gums for any signs of inflammation which include redness, bleeding, and puffiness.

The procedure to check for gum disease is fairly straightforward – we make use of a periodontal probe to examine for the presence of gum disease and to check for gum pockets present between your gums and teeth. You have gum disease if the pockets are deeper than 3 millimeters. We will also check the mobility of your teeth. If you have a loose tooth, it may be caused by deteriorating bone support because of periodontitis.

A series of x-rays may be conducted to determine if you have bone loss. The great benefit to deep dental cleaning is removing plaque as well as averting gum disease or stopping its progress. The process involves root scaling and planing, which are used in handling gum disease in its early stages.

Deep Dental Cleaning Techniques

Root Scaling – this is where we remove the buildup of plaque and tartar on your teeth’s surface. We typically do this by manually removing them by hand, but at times we use an ultrasonic scaler to expedite the procedure especially when there is an excessive amount.

Planing – this is what comes next to scaling. We manually clean out your gum pockets and remove the plaque buildup. After cleaning these, we smooth your teeth’s root surfaces. It will give your gums time to recover and prevent any buildup of plaque in the future.

The number of treatments you will need will depend on the severity of your condition. You may find that root planing is a little more invasive than your usual dental cleaning. Nevertheless, you can ease any worry with anesthesia.

The process aids in eradicating cementum and addresses your teeth’s roots that have tissue recession due to bone loss. It systematically cleans your teeth of the bacteria that have been damaging your pearly whites. Depending on how much damage has been done by gum disease, this procedure can control its progression.

The two procedures of the deep dental cleaning, when used as one, can stop gum disease in its tracks. In cases of bacterial infection, we may prescribe you with antibiotics. Only when gum disease is at its worst would we suggest a gum surgery.

After a deep dental cleaning, you should not be complacent with your oral hygiene rituals. Make sure to brush and floss at least twice every day; as well as pay your dentist a visit regularly, twice a year, to check for gum disease.

Key Signs and Symptoms Of Gum Disease

Periodontitis may go unnoticed in its early stage, but you can visit Dentists of Jupiter Farms to confirm if there are problems with your gums if you notice any of the symptoms on the list.

  • Reddening, bleeding, and swelling of your gums
  • Loose tooth
  • Changes in the way your dentures fit
  • Bad breath
  • Teeth and gums separating
  • Pus between your gum and teeth

Contact Dentists of Jupiter Farms

Upholding a good routine for your dental hygiene is essential, however, deep cleaning is the answer to gum disease. If you are looking for a dentist that offers deep cleaning services near you, or want more information on deep cleaning in Jupiter Farms, don’t hesitate to give us a call (561) 743- 6700.

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